La banda tiene sus inicios en octubre del 2010, deseando hacer metal con el sonido contundente y arrasador de los 80 y 90 de las bandas precursoras del género como Napalm Death, Impetigo, Mortician, Nunslaughter, Repulsion, Autopsy, Benediction, Dismember entre otras.Sacan su primer single “Bloodlust” bajo la influencia de este sonido ancestral y contundente del death metal vieja escuela.
En 2011 la banda ya tiene varios temas propios compuestos y empieza a buscar eventos donde mostrar su sonido, y es así como en Junio de ese año logra tener su primera presentación en el Metal Made Flesh, logrando obtener así unos temas grabados en vivo y recibiendo con buena energía la respuesta del público hacia los temas.
Gracias a esto la banda consigue más presentaciones y su primera salida de la ciudad, Manizales, promocionando su demo “UltimatePunishment” y donde tocaron junto a Mortuoria de México y un cartel de bandas nacionales. Algunos meses después comparten en la ciudad de Cali espacio con Necroterror de Perú, y finalizando el año fueron invitados al evento conmemorativo de Morguedeathde Cali.

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The band starts in October 2010, wishing to make metal with the strong and overwhelming sound of the 80s and 90s bands like Napalm Death, Impetigo, Mortician, Nunslaughter, Repulsion, Autopsy, Benediction, Dismember among others. Released their first single "Bloodlust" under the influence of this ancient and powerful old School Death Metal sound.
In 2011 the band already have several themes compounds themselves and start searching for events to display their sound, and this is how in June of that year having achieved his first appearance at the Metal Made Flesh, gaining some songs recorded live and receiving good energy with the public to the songs.
Most of the2012 was spent writing and recording, taking several calls for events in the city and out, revealing and new and the known issues. In 2013 comes out his self-produced EP "Rancid and Corroded" well received by the people and who gets the band to go to the capital, Bogota, headlining alongside great bands of the local scene. In the rest of the year promoting this EP in various zines and blogs and through this make it to produce a Tape Split with Agathocles from Belgium which comes out in 2014 produced by Underground Glory Productions, a label that has welcomed the band to join his legions.
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